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You have control over your Attitude

Dec 19, 2020

You have control over your Attitude

Your Attitude, not your Aptitude will determine your Altitude.

-Zig Ziglar-American Author, Motivational Speaker


COVID-19 has changed the landscape

As we enter the last few weeks of 2020, we all agree unanimously that this has been one of the most unprecedented years in recent history. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way the world lives, studies, works, and socializes. Whichever media outlet we turn to, there is always some news that does induce its own fair share of panic in all of us.

If you are reading this, you are probably a high school student or a parent, guardian, or teacher of one who is bound to feel a bit anxious about how things around you are shaping up including their potential impact on your loved one. You are constantly reading about how the economy is being impacted by the pandemic, and you worry if your family’s investment in education will give you promised returns.

Everything is so unpredictable, and it is perfectly normal to feel anxious, confused and wonder how to make sense of all of this. Take a pause. Now. Let’s take a deep breath together. We have some good news for you.

Your role in this unpredictability

First of all, let us accept that there is absolutely nothing you can do to control the external environment. The best you can do now is to follow all safety protocols, wear your masks, wash your hands and behave in a mindful way in the communities you live in.

You cannot control the job market, the stock market or go back to school or send your child to school, like you did in the past. However, there are many things you can do, or encourage your child to do, right from the safety of your home which will play a huge role in shaping the kind of person you or your loved one will be after graduation.

What can we control then?
So, students, what is in your control? If your answer is your own attitude and mindset, you are thinking in the right direction. You have the ability to ‘train your mind’ to stay positive, hopeful and continue to work on your goals without using the pandemic as a reason to go off the radar.

Focus on what matters and not on doomsday theories

It is not your responsibility to worry about creating jobs and worrying about your future because there are people in education and the industry who care about this and have created solutions and platforms for you to learn, grow and develop – pandemic or no pandemic!